Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Are you hungry? Do not have time for cook? or do not have skill to cook?
I think this is one of the biggest problem especially for Indonesian students in Sydney.

Don't worry guys, because we have so many Indonesian catering services in here, you can find Indonesian style food with a reasonable price.

Yeah, I think it still cheaper if you cook by yourself but with catering your life become simpler, all you need to cook is only rice. Well, I think we do not need to cook rice, because rice cooker can do it for us but still don't forget to wash the rice guys.

These are some details of Indonesian catering:

KRISTINA catering

Contact: (02) 87651065 ; 0433198796 ; 0401017474

Ok, For me this catering is very nice. I think this is highly recommended catering but the price is a little bit more expensive. hmmm, the price should be $80 for the large one, but for more detail it's better for you to contact Kristina catering straight away. ENJOY the food guys!!!!!!

SEGAR catering

Contact: 0425756788

As you know guys, "segar" means fresh in english. Therefore, They should provide us with fresh food and I think the price is cheap because for the medium one the price is $55 and for the large one is only $65.

KARISMA Indonesian Restaurant

Contact: (02)93444044 ; 0406131000

Well, this is a restaurant basically but they also can provide other services like catering, party, birthday.


Contact: (02)83388500 ; 0416050187

Same as Karisma, this is also a restaurant but they also provide catering BUT unfortunately it's only for city area. I have tried their foods before and I think the taste is really great. Hey, ANEKA SOTO also have speciality in providing any kind of cakes such as Lapis chocolate, Kue Sus, etc. In addition, they also can help us in other events like wedding party and birthday party. well, full services from ANEKA SOTO, great!!!!


Contact: 0431971588

Hen-11E catering

Contact: (02)93444044 ; 0406131000 ; 0413247550

YANI's catering

Contact: 0401099517 ; 0413888140

KENANGA catering

Contact: 0433152464


Contact: 02-96742988 ; 0422436582

ANGEL catering

Contact: 97967442 ; 0411811250 ; 0418881330

SEDAP RASA catering

Contact: 97268310 ; 0430271399

SHALOM restaurant

Contact: 0433702334

Ok, I think that's all Indonesian caterings that we got in Sydney. I can't say the food is either good or bad. Because that's all depends on your personal interest.
How about if you try all the catering???? Like on monday with Kristina, on tuesday with Shalom, on wednesday with Selera Idaman, on thursday with Sedap Rasa, and on friday with Kenanga. Is it sounds great?? Yes we can do it if you want to.


  1. Waduh banyak banget. Lagi nyari katering nih di daerah Homebush 2140, tapi ga tau mana yang asik.

    Maunya sih yang banyak sambalnya... Wuihh...

    Rekomen donk.


  2. Good!!
    i think Karishma should expand their business ..

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. mau tny utk daerah punchbowl,2196 ada g??

  5. If anyone is still looking for Indonesian Catering in Sydney check out the Indonesian Online Catering and Cake Directory:

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